Hello World
I'm Ayush Suman
- 😷 Currently making it through BITS Pilani
- 😎 Google Developer Student Club Ex-Lead
- 📱 Into App Development since school days
- 🦫 Love to code in Go and Kotlin
- 💻 Exploring System Design
- 🎶 Vibing on Piano
- 👀 Reach out to me at ayush231suman@gmail.com
- unwired Library for simplifying http (authenticated/unauthenticated) network call functions. This makes http call and does response parsing on a dedicated isolate, lifting heavy work from main thread.
- otp widget Flutter Widget for entering OTP with nice flexibility in UI. Widget takes in simple
and binds it to all the individual text fields for OTP digits.
- libman A simple C application as inventory management system. Not developed to scale for real world use, but to learn and practice pointers, file handling and memory management in C. In this project, I tried to incorporate a basic event handling system using functions running in infinite for loop.
- chat-lo Baby level project on Socket Programming. A local chat console application that sends msgs on UDP protocol. Uses mutli-threading to simultaneously listen to incoming messages while taking inputs from user for sending messages.
- acclr-mock-device-driver A mock device driver that generates and sends random accelerometer data from kernel space to user space through buffers.
- Flutt-Chat A simple Flutter app with Beautiful Login UI, built on Firebase.
- RedditAndroid An Android App that uses Reddit APIs to load data. Uses MVVM architecture with RxJava, Dagger2 (Dependency Injection), Room and Retrofit.