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wstty is a small tool that sets or reports various console related settings on Windows systems. It is meant to be a replacement for the stty coreutils command on Unix systems.


Go Install

go install

Scoop (Windows)

scoop bucket add aymanbagabas
scoop install aymanbagabas/wstty


wstty [-a][-][mode...]

To set a specific mode to off, prefix the mode with a - sign. To set it to on, just specify the mode.

Use -a to displays all the current console modes, -h to display the help.

Input Modes

Input modes control how keyboard input is processed by the console.

Mode Description
echo Enables echo input. Characters typed by the user are echoed to the console.
line Enables line input mode. Input is not sent to the application until the Enter key is pressed.
iproc Enables processed input. Special key combinations like Ctrl+C are processed by the system.
minput Enables mouse input. Mouse events are reported to the application.
winput Enables window input. Window resize events are reported to the application.
iinsert Enables insert mode. Text is inserted at the cursor position rather than overwriting existing text.
iqedit Enables quick edit mode. Allows text selection with the mouse and clipboard operations.
ivterm Enables virtual terminal input processing. Supports ANSI/VT100 escape sequences for input.
iautopos Enables automatic cursor positioning. The cursor is automatically positioned after a write operation.
iext Enables extended flags. Required for some extended console features.

Output Modes

Output modes control how text and formatting are displayed on the console.

Mode Description
oproc Enables processed output. Backspace, tab, bell, carriage return, and line feed characters are processed.
owrap Enables line wrapping. Text that extends beyond the right edge of the console window wraps to the next line.
ovterm Enables virtual terminal processing. Supports ANSI/VT100 escape sequences for text formatting and colors.
onewline Disables automatic carriage return on line feed. Line feeds are not automatically preceded by carriage returns.
olvb Enables LVB grid worldwide. Supports line-drawing and box-drawing characters.

Special Commands

Command Description
raw Sets the console to raw mode. Disables echo, line input, and processed input, while enabling virtual terminal input.
cooked Sets the console to cooked mode. Enables echo, line input, and processed input, while disabling virtual terminal input.
sane Resets the console to a reasonable default state.
cp <code> Sets both input and output code pages to the specified code.
icp <code> Sets the input code page to the specified code.
ocp <code> Sets the output code page to the specified code.
-a Displays all current console modes and settings.
-v or -version Displays the version of wstty.
-h or -help Displays help information.


# Display all current console modes
wstty -a

# Enable virtual terminal processing for ANSI color support
wstty ovterm

# Disable line input mode (useful for character-by-character input)
wstty -line

# Set raw mode (useful for applications like vim)
wstty raw

# Set cooked mode (standard terminal behavior)
wstty cooked

# Set UTF-8 code page (65001) for both input and output
wstty cp 65001

# Enable virtual terminal processing and disable automatic line wrapping
wstty ovterm -owrap

Technical Details

Input Mode Flags

These flags control how input is processed by the Windows console:

  • ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT (echo): When enabled, characters typed by the user are echoed to the console. When disabled, input characters are not displayed.
  • ENABLE_LINE_INPUT (line): When enabled, input is not sent to the application until the Enter key is pressed. When disabled, input is sent immediately after each keystroke.
  • ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT (iproc): When enabled, Ctrl+C is processed by the system and generates a SIGINT signal. When disabled, Ctrl+C is read as a regular character.
  • ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT (minput): When enabled, mouse events are reported in the input buffer. When disabled, mouse events are ignored.
  • ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT (winput): When enabled, window resize events are reported in the input buffer. When disabled, window resize events are ignored.
  • ENABLE_INSERT_MODE (iinsert): When enabled, text is inserted at the cursor position. When disabled, text overwrites existing characters.
  • ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE (iqedit): When enabled, the mouse can be used to select text and perform clipboard operations. When disabled, mouse input is sent to the application.
  • ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT (ivterm): When enabled, ANSI/VT100 escape sequences for input are supported. When disabled, these sequences are treated as regular characters.
  • ENABLE_AUTO_POSITION (iautopos): When enabled, the cursor is automatically positioned after a write operation. When disabled, the cursor position must be set explicitly.
  • ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS (iext): When enabled, the console can use extended features. This flag is required for some extended console features.

Output Mode Flags

These flags control how output is processed by the Windows console:

  • ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT (oproc): When enabled, backspace, tab, bell, carriage return, and line feed characters are processed. When disabled, these characters are displayed as is.
  • ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT (owrap): When enabled, text that extends beyond the right edge of the console window wraps to the next line. When disabled, text is truncated at the edge of the window.
  • ENABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING (ovterm): When enabled, ANSI/VT100 escape sequences for text formatting and colors are supported. When disabled, these sequences are displayed as is.
  • DISABLE_NEWLINE_AUTO_RETURN (onewline): When enabled, line feeds are not automatically preceded by carriage returns. When disabled, a carriage return is automatically inserted before each line feed.
  • ENABLE_LVB_GRID_WORLDWIDE (olvb): When enabled, line-drawing and box-drawing characters are supported. When disabled, these characters may not display correctly.

See Console Modes for more information.


  • Some modes may not be available on all Windows versions.
  • Changing console modes affects the behavior of all applications using the console.
  • The -a option is useful for debugging console issues.
  • The sane command is useful for resetting the console to a known good state.
  • Code page 65001 corresponds to UTF-8 encoding.
  • Common code pages include:
    • 437: US English
    • 850: Western European
    • 932: Japanese
    • 936: Simplified Chinese
    • 949: Korean
    • 950: Traditional Chinese
    • 1200: UTF-16LE
    • 1201: UTF-16BE
    • 65001: UTF-8


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file