This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.0.1.
The goal is to understand:
- Your readiness to invest your time
- How quickly you learn
- Your ability to construct and deploy an application
- Quality of your code and coding standards you adhere to
Create a simple CRUD application. You can use the back-end end-points as described in the Movie API endpoints section.
Implement datagrid using (it's a must).
Implement one key feature: Personalization As a User, I'd like to personalize the "tabular" view Set width of columns Change the sequence of columns in the data grid aka tabular view The changes I perform should be saved so that when I refresh the page, the view shows the changes I performed.
Deploy the application in any free environment of your choice, for ex. Heroku, Vercel or any other. Share the link of the deployed environment as well as the github repository through email.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /api/movies | Fetch all movies. Use limit and page to restrict the number of results. By default, 100 movies are returned. |
POST | /api/movies | Add a new movie. |
GET | /api/movies/{movieId} | Fetch a single movie. |
PUT | /api/movies/{movieId} | Update a movie. |
DELETE | /api/movies/{movieId} | Remove a movie record. |
"id": 2,
"budget": "2000000",
"originalLang": "en",
"originalTitle": "The Bens",
"overview": "This is a scary movie that will get your adrenaline pumping",
"popularity": "233.11",
"releaseDate": "2021-10-11T10:12:58.957Z",
"revenue": 1234677,
"runtime": 127,
"status": "ongoing",
"tagline": null,
"title": "The Bens",
"voteAverage": 20,
"voteCount": 5,
"createdAt": "2021-10-12T04:26:42.248Z",
"updatedAt": null,
"deletedAt": null