There are two ways to to get the generator to pick up your routes.
The first way is to decorate the controller method with the Humi\OpenApiGenerator\Attributes\OpenApi
use Humi\OpenApiGenerator\Attributes\OpenApi;
class MyController
public function index()
// ...
The second way is to typehint an instance of the Humi\OpenApiGenerator\RequestInterface
as the request argument. Any Laravel FormRequest will do (or really anything, as long as it has a rules
method), just add the interface to the class.
use Illuminate\Http\FormRequest;
use Humi\OpenApiGenerator\RequestInterface;
class MyRequest extends FormRequest implements RequestInterface
public function rules(): array
return [
// Some validation rules ...
In your controller:
class MyController
public function store(MyRequest $request)
// ...
Run the following command to generate documentation:
php artisan open-api:generate
The generated OpenAPI spec will be located in open-api.yml
at the root of your project (the file name can be configured in open-api-generator.php
- Add more OpenAPI data types (enum, max/min, etc.)
- Response types
- Use $refs