Generic solver for the optimal neoclassical growth model, using the value function iteration (VFI) method. Currently accepts single factor of production
Use this file to install: Project.toml
- Interpolations = "0.15.1"
- LinearAlgebra = "1.11.0"
- Plots = "1.40.8"
- Roots = "2.2.1"
include("vfi.jl") # must be placed in working directory
using .vfi
# Define production function
function F(m :: Model; k)
return m.A * k.^m.α
# Define consumption function
function c(m :: Model; k, kPrime)
return m.f_fn(m; k = k) .+ (1 - m.δ) .* k .- kPrime
# Define CRRA utility function
function u(m :: Model; c)
# Set c to m.lb_c whenever c <= 0
c = ifelse.(c .<= 0, m.lb_c, c)
return m.σ == 1 ? log.(c) : ((c .^ (1.0 - m.σ)) .- 1.0) ./ (1.0 - m.σ)
# Define k' constraint
function budget_kprime(m :: Model; c, y, k)
return (y .+ (1 - m.δ) .* k) .- c
# Define c constraint
function budget_c(m :: Model; kPrime, y, k)
return (y .+ (1 - m.δ) .* k) .- kPrime
# Set exogenous params
β = 0.96
δ = 0.1
σ = 1.0
A = 1.0
α = 0.33
# Bounds
n = 100
lb_k = 0.05
ub_k = 5.00
lb_kprime = 0.0
v0 = zeros(n)
lb_c = 1e-10
lb_p = -Inf
tol = 1e-6
imax = 1000
# Initialize
results = []
m = vfi.Model(
β, δ, σ, A, α,
n, lb_k, ub_k, lb_kprime, v0, lb_c, lb_p, tol, imax,
F, c, u, budget_kprime, budget_c
output = vfi.solver_norisk(m)
push!(results, output)
vfi.plotter_ss(;df = results, nrow = length(results), ncol = 1, addk = true, var = :n)
# Initialize
k0 = 0.1
T = 50
plot_k_path(;k0 = k0, kprime = results[1].kprime, kgrid = results[1].kgrid, T = T)
[1] Permanent Income Model 4: Value Function Iteration
[2] PihVfi890