A simple ruby on rails web application which provides both admin and end user functionalities for a quiz application. Admins can manage quizzes and end user can take quizzes.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- An editor of your choice (VS Code, Sublime, Atom, etc)
git clone https://github.com/avinashupadhya99/Quiz-App.git
Note: The above command clones over HTTP anonymously. If you have Github account and configured SSH keys then you must clone over SSH to push changes to your forked repository.
Start the application server and MySQL using the command-
docker-compose up
This will build the docker image based on Dockerfile
and bring up
- MySQL Server
- Rails Application Server (in Development Mode)
Once both the containers are running, point your browser to http://localhost:8800
To add and manage quizzes, you need to first create an admin user. The following command will create an admin user-
docker-compose run app rake db:seed
Run this command only after running docker-compose up
once before.
This will create an admin user with the credenatials admin@quizapp.com and password password. You can edit these after logging in or before seeding in the db/seeds.rb
The following command will create dummy quizzes and categories-
docker-compose run app rake db:seed:seed_quiz
Refer to Database Schema for the database schema diagrams of the application.