It will create a new subdirectory & will clone fresh repos owned by the team/org combo provided (this is only executed if a CODEOWNERS file does not exist), create a new branch, add the codeowners file, & post a PR.
The end of the script will print a list of open PRs.
To run this script, you will need to install the github cli & jq.
Installation instructions for the github cli can be found here:
We use the github cli to create the PR and we are assuming that the git cli is already installed on your machine (please install it if it is not)! :)
Installation instructions for jq can be found here:
JQ is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor that we use to parse the response from the github APIs.
Execute the following line (replace the variables with your personal/team specific information and make sure your arguments are wrapped in quotes), source ./ -p '$PAT' -u '$USERNAME' -t '$TEAM' -o '$ORG' -a '$AB'
All of the following arguments are required:
- -p takes your PAT (you will need to make sure you have authorized access to the Alaska-ECommerce org in GitHub)
- -u takes the username you use for github
- -t takes your team name (do not include the '@')
- -o takes the org name (this is 'Alaska-ECommerce' in most cases)
- -a takes the azure work item (only the numbers)