- I've read the contribution guidelines.
- I've searched other issues and no duplicate issues were found.
- I've agreed with the maintainers that I can plan this task.
Currently, the lateral margin of the stop planner (or slow down planner if enabled) is used to define the detection range of the adaptive cruise control module.
Since the lateral margin of stop planner is meant to be quite small (0.0 by default), the ACC can't see what is going on outside our lane. As a consequence, the ego vehicle brakes strongly every single time a new vehicle cuts into our lane.
It seems that this problem could be solved by using a bigger margin for ACC (something like ~5 meters). In the current state, there is no choice but to increase the stop planner or slow down planner lateral margin, which of course would have some undesirable side effects.
However, I have tested the following trick:
- enable slow down planner
- set slow down planner lateral margin to 5.0
- set slow down velocity to very high value, like 20m/s (so that there is no slow down)
With this settings, the ACC seems to adapt nicely to other vehicles, even when they first enter our lane. Of course, the consequence is that I cannot use the slow down planner as it is originally intended.
For ACC to handle other vehicle changing lane.
Possible approaches
Add new lateral margin parameter to configure ACC obstacle detection range.
Definition of done
- When another vehicle moves to our lane, the ACC kicks in immediately and no hard braking occurs (like for static obstacles)