- I've read the contribution guidelines.
- I've searched other issues and no duplicate issues were found.
- I've agreed with the maintainers that I can plan this task.
In current implementation of Autoware Universe, lookahead distance in pure_pursuit
just depend the velocity. This causes unwanted behaviors. For example, if lookahead_distance_ratio
is low, when lateral error high in beginning (think that vehicle in side of road), vehicle enters the road with high heading error. If you increase the lookahead_distance_ratio
to smoother entrance to road, It causes increasing lateral error in high curvature part of road.
To avoid this, lookahead_distance
should depend more variables (like lateral error and curvature of road). This will make the pure_pursuit more tunable.
Possible approaches
lookahead_distance = lookahead_distance_ratio * velocity + lateral_error_ratio * lateral_error - curvature_ratio * curvature
If there is high lateral error in curvature, you can increase the curvature_ratio, If vehicle enters the road with high heading error, you can increase the lateral_error_ratio for smooth entrance to road.
Definition of done
Proposed approach tested in real vehicle tests, worked well.