Mobile tests example using SelenideJS on top of Webdriverio.
You can find also a web tests examples in this project, not just mobile;)
Tests in this project use the Velas Mobile Wallet app. Building an app is out of scope of this project. To run mobile tests, check the mobile-wallet repo and built your app correspondingly.
patch be.visible to work as be.present
patch SelenideElement to have .longPress
why selenidejs does not tell that reason of failure is second not first selector?
Timed out after 10000ms, while waiting for: browser.element(By(accessibility id, SignUp-password)).element(By(accessibility id, InputSecure-editText)).type: 123456 Reason: An element could not be located on the page using the given search parameters.
above InputSecure-Input is the correct selector... but reason does not tell this
how to fix parser problem on .eslintrc.js without ignoring it at .eslintignore