Patterns covered:
PageObject implementation...
- more or less standard in context of technical implementation
- based on page locators defined in the constructor
- where methods are considered to be a higher-level user-steps
- hense also covering "assertion-steps" (i.e. it's not an assertion-free PageObject)
- what makes such implementation to look more like a StepsObject than PageObject :D
- applied to both pages and controls (like TextInput)
- more or less standard in context of technical implementation
An ApplicationManager as one entry point to "pages" PageObjects
- with a corresponding playwright fixture to simplify reuse in tests
Proxy-based wrapper around playwright test.step – to be applied on an object level to log all its methods calls (excluding
and the methods named with_
prefix, and non-async methods on{ignoreNonAsync: true}
options arg set)- allowing to report the corresponding PageObject steps
- with actual application as
return withSteps(this)
last line in the PageObject constructor
AAA pattern of BDD style reported steps – GIVEN/WHEN/THEN over Arrange/Act/Assert)
Find the App Manager pattern explained in «Selenides for PageObjects Tutorial».
The proxy appliction to report each step-method of a PageObject will be documented later in more details, stay tuned;).
refactor for project root based imports
implement custom dotenv support
add installation instructions to README
add project settings with dotenv overrides to allow customize steps behavior (like prefixes to ignore, etc.)
model one more page (like playwright docs, etc.)
document main examples of code + reports in README (with screenshots, like in python-web-test project template README)
add "human readable" rendering of steps, similar to _full_description_for helper implementation from Selene that utilizes threading "macros" implementation in python (consider implementing similar in js)
- in python the implementation looks like
thread_last( full_name, (re.sub, r'([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1 \2'), (re.sub, r'(\w)\.(\w)', r'\1 \2'), (re.sub, r'(^_+|_+$)', ''), (re.sub, r'_+', ' '), (re.sub, r'(\s)+', r'\1'), str.lower, )
- if ported straightforward to js it would looke like:
threadLast( fullName, [String.prototype.replace, /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, '$1 $2'], [String.prototype.replace, /(\w)\.(\w)/g, '$1 $2'], [String.prototype.replace, /(^_+|_+$)/g, ''], [String.prototype.replace, /_+/g, ' '], [String.prototype.replace, /(\s)+/g, '$1'], String.prototype.toLowerCase, )
– that does not look concise enough:) so let's think on in a bit more...
add API tests examples based on implemented helpers