本仓库由公众号【自动驾驶之心】团队整理,欢迎关注,一览最前沿的技术分享!) 团队整理,欢迎关注,一览最前沿的技术分享!
Motion Planning and Control for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Machine Learning: a Survey (2022)
Mobile Robot Path Planning in Dynamic Environments: A Survey (2021)
Planning and Decision-Makingfor Autonomous Vehicles
Trajectory Planning and Tracking for AutonomousOvertaking State-of-the-Art and Future Prospects(2018)
Perception, Planning, Control, and Coordination for Autonomous Vehicles
A Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles
Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-roaddriving: State-of-the-art and future research directions
A survey on motion prediction and risk assessment for intelligent vehicles
A survey of learning‐based robot motion planning
A Survey on Imitation Learning Techniques for End-to-End Autonomous Vehicles
Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving: The State of the Art and Perspectives
A Systematic Survey of Control Techniques and Applications in Connected and Automated Vehicles
Planning and Decision-Making for Autonomous Vehicles
Perception, planning, control, and coordination for autonomous vehicles
A survey of motion planning and control techniques for self-driving urban vehicles
Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions
Behavior and path planning algorithm of autonomous vehicle A1 in structured environments
How Does Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Work
Towards full automated drive in urban environments: A demonstration in gomentum station, california 、
Autonomous Driving: Planning, Control & Other Topics. (UNC presentation slides)
Optimal trajectory generation for dynamic street scenarios in a frenet frame
Path planning for autonomous vehicles in unknown semi-structured environments
Local path planning for off-road autonomous driving with avoidance of static obstacles
Trajectory planning for Bertha—A local, continuous methods
Efficient sampling-based motion planning for on-road autonomous driving
Real-time motion planning methods for autonomous on-road driving: State-of-the-art and future research directions
A Review of Motion Planning Techniques for Automated Vehicles
A survey of motion planning and control techniques for self-driving urban vehicles
Real-time trajectory planning for autonomous urban driving: Framework, algorithms, and verifications
Dynamic path planning for autonomous driving on various roads with avoidance of static and moving obstacles
Hybrid Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving in Highly Constrained Environments
Vehicle path planning in various driving situations based on the elastic band theory for highway collision avoidance
Efficient Perception, Planning, and Control Algorithms for Vision-Based Automated Vehicles
Road Slope Prediction and Vehicle Dynamics Control for Autonomous Vehicles
PlanT Explainable Planning Transformers via Object-Level Representations
Bi-Level Optimization Augmented with Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Autonomous Driving in Dense Traffic
一个A* 路径查找算法的 Python 可视化仓库。它允许您选择开始和结束位置,并查看查找最短路径的过程。