Expanded chat application that modeled the simple SocketIO example.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
Taken from socket.io:
The first goal is to setup a simple HTML webpage that serves out a form and a list of messages.
We’re going to use the Node.JS web framework express to this end. Make sure Node.JS is installed.
First let’s create a package.json manifest file that describes our project.
npm init
Now, in order to easily populate the dependencies with the things we need, we’ll use npm install --save:
npm install --save express@4.15.2
If you run
node index.js
the http server should be listening on port 3000.
Navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000
- Custom usernames
- Active users list
- Real-time "{name} is typing..." functionality
- Modern message bubbles
- Message history for new users
- Connection/Disconnection broadcasted messages
Feel free to fork this repository to add/modify these enhancements!
I hope that this expanded model might serve as a base for even more features.
Possible improvements:
- Full navigation menu
- Private messaging
- Login Page
- See if users are away/inactive for some time
- History enable/disable feature
- Private groups
- A published server
- ...and more - share your results!