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amr edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

A summary of Alice error responses to client errors:

/nonexisting (e.g. non-existing resource)

Method URI Error in request Response Status
GET /nonexisting Resource “nonexisting” doesn’t exist Unimplemented controller… 200


Method URI Error in request Response Status
GET /users/nonexisting User “nonexisting” doesn’t exist {"nonexisting": "not a user"} 400
DELETE /users/nonexisting User “nonexisting” doesn’t exists {"error": "error"} 200
POST /users User “guest” already exists {"users": "error"} 200


Method URI Error in request Response Status
GET /permissions/nonexisting User “nonexisting” doesn’t exist Not found. 404
GET /permissions/vhost/nonexisting Vhost “nonexisting” doesn’t exist Not found. 404
DELETE /permissions/nonexisting User “nonexisting” doesn’t exists Not found. 404
POST /permissions/nonexisting User “nonexisting” doesn’t exist Not found. 404
POST /permissions/foo Given vhost (in POST data) doesn’t exist Not found. 404


To be completed


To be completed


This resource doesn’t have any unique/specific error responses.


This resource doesn’t have any unique/specific error responses.


This resource doesn’t have any unique/specific error responses.


This resource doesn’t have any unique/specific error responses.