Azure queue based job queue for nodejs. Simple and lightweight.
The easiest installation is through NPM:
npm install fatusjs
Or clone the repo and include the ./fatus
var Fatusjs = require('fatusjs');
var fatusQueue = Fatusjs.instance;
// fatus is single istance, any call
// of Fatusjs.instance return the same obj
Add a new worker:
Add a new simple job to the queue:
// create the object
var msgObjSimple = {
module : '/test/simplefunction', // module to require
function : 'invoke', // function to invoke, in the module
payload : {
// all the data needed by the function
mydata : 'hello',
who : 'world',
arr : [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
obj : {
inner : true,
desc : 'inner object'
isSimple: true
// convert to msg
var jobObj = fatusQueue.createMessageJob();
var msgJson = jobObj.getMsg();
// add to the queue
fatusQueue.insertInQueue(msgJson,function onComplete(err,res){
Add a new multistep job to the queue:
// crete the objects
var step1Obj = { module: '/test/mymodule', function : 'foo' }
var step2Obj = { module: '/test/mymodule', function : 'bar' }
var step3Obj = { module: '/test/lib/mymodule', function : 'foo' }
var payload = { } // payload can be empty or whatever
// create the job
var msgJob = fatusQueue.createMessageJob();
// add steps
// add to queue
fatusQueue.insertInQueue(msgJob.getMsg(),function onComplete(err,res){
In order to work there are some mandatory configurations, all at enviroment level:
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: account name of the azure storage account
AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: access key of the azure storage account
CLOUD_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: connection string for the azure storage account
The others configurations is not mandatory:
FATUS_QUEUE_NAME: name of the queue to be created for the fatus
FATUS_QUEUE_FAIL_NAME: name of the queue to be crated for the fatus worker failed
FATUS_MAX_WORKER: max number of worker to be created in the pool (default 3)
FATUS_EQ_RETRY_TIME: time that a worker waits in order to be killed at empty queue events, in milliseconds (default 4000)
FATUS_WRK_STACK_TRSHLD: maximum number of iteration of single worker (default 10)
FATUS_MAX_FAIL: maximum number of fail for a job (default 10)
My ideas for future improvements are:
- create a way to manage "blocked-blocking" jobs
- a visual presentation of the queue(s) state
- extensive testing with multiple instances
- possibility to manage multiple queues
If you find bugs or want to change functionality, feel free to fork and pull request.
The library use the es6 language, please make sure your node version supports it (we currently used 5.7). The library is still in early stage, please consider some testing.
Cheers from digitalx.