At first it seemed a nice idea to use the Unicode arrow to identify the special inline match mode, using #→
. It is pretty and won't confuse with common commands.
$ echo foo #→ foo
$ head /etc/passwd #→ --lines 10
$ tac /etc/passwd | tac #→ --file /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/passwd #→ --egrep ^root:
$ echo $((2 + 10)) #→ --regex ^\d+$
$ make test #→ --exit 0
$ pwd #→ --eval echo $PWD
The years passed, and now I find it annoying that I can't type that arrow directly in my keyboard. I always have to copy/paste from somewhere else. That's not a good user experience.
Recently, doing some tests with clitest in the Alpine Linux docker image, the Unicode char just didn't work in /bin/ash
. Using any other ASCII-only marker was ok.
I'm inclined to change the default to the ASCII alternative #=>
. It's uglier, but more portable and easier to type.
$ echo foo #=> foo
$ head /etc/passwd #=> --lines 10
$ tac /etc/passwd | tac #=> --file /etc/passwd
$ cat /etc/passwd #=> --egrep ^root:
$ echo $((2 + 10)) #=> --regex ^\d+$
$ make test #=> --exit 0
$ pwd #=> --eval echo $PWD
Since a default setting will change, this will break backward compatibility with previous versions and will require a new major version.
Current scripts who rely in the Unicode marker can just add a new option to continue using it without changing the test files (note the required space at the end):
clitest --inline-prefix '#→ ' tests.txt
Any thoughts on that?