Scripts that read data from Gwent xml files and turn them into JSON data
projectM - Cross-platform Music Visualization Library. Open-source and Milkdrop-compatible.
Alternative Kernel for Drupal 8 to improve the Developer eXperience during the development process.
Install profile for multilingual Drupal
Extensible MIDI synthesizer editor, initially devised for the Waldorf Blofeld
An addictive incremental game that teaches players the history of high energy particle physics
Color framework for Swift & Objective-C (Gradient colors, hexcode support, colors from images & more).
MIDI apps for Mac OS X: MIDI Monitor and SysEx Librarian.
A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
Node.JS+Socket.IO server and client to allow realtime notifications (demoed with Drupal, but generic purpose)
Add basic ajax page navigation support to Drupal 7
History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTo…
precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
💀 The former home of Homebrew/homebrew (deprecated)
An object oriented JavaScript API Library for RESTful Drupal CMS.
Granular synth driven by boids, an agent simulation algorithm.
A little Ajax-driven article reader to show you how the Drupal Ajax framework works
Create word clouds in JavaScript.
The Xcode 4 project template and file template for Python
PHPSTorm Live Templates (aka code snippets) for Drupal 7
A PHP class to interface with the Drupal REST Server
Uitility library intended for static linking with iPhone applications