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This is a WEB based interface for managing Asterisk ConfBridge application.
Built on Asterisk ConfBridge, Flask, SSE, React.js
You can request a new feature or see current requests and bugs here.
Flask is used as a WEB server. By default it uses SQLite3 database for storage but other datasources are also supported (see
Conference participants are invited using Asterisk call out files. To track participant dial status local channel is used. No AMI/AGI/ARI is used. Everything is built around asterisk -rx 'confbridge <...>'
CLI commands. Asterisk and Flask are supposed to be run on the same server but it's possible to implement remote asterisk command execution via SSH. The software is distributed as as on BSD license. Asterisk resellers can easily implement their own logo and footer and freely redistribute it to own customers (see BRAND_ options in
- Private (only for configured participants) and public (guests can join) conferences.
- Muted participant can indicate unmute request.
- Contact management (addressbook) with import contacts feature.
- Conference recording (always / ondemand, web access to recordings).
- Support for dynamic ConfBridge profiles (any profile option can be set).
- Invite participants from WEB or phone (on press DTMF digit).
- Invite guests on demand by phone number.
- Conference management:
- Lock / unlock conference;
- Kick one / all;
- Mute / unmute one / all
- Realtime conference events log (enter, leave, kicked, mute / unmute, dial status, etc)
- Asterisk intergrators re-branding ready (change logo, banner, footer)
Here is the demo with the folling scenatio:
- Import contacts.
- Add contacts to participants.
- Invite all participants into conference.
- Enter conference from phone.
- Unmute request from phone.
- Invite customer by his PSTN number.
- Enter non-public conference.
- Asterisk 11, 12 or 13. Only Asterisk 12/13 have confbridge list flags (muted, admin, marked) so Asterisk 11 is supported partially.
- Python 2.7
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-virtualenv python-dev
In Debian 11 pip2 and virtualenv was deleted from repository, install them manually:
curl --output
sudo python2
sudo pip2 install virtualenv
Download the latest version:
mv astconfman-master astconfman
Or you can clone the repository with:
git clone
Next steps:
cd astconfman
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip2 install -r requirements.txt
mv env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/asterisk/ env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/asterisk2/
The above will download and install all runtime requirements.
To enable AMI events put content of astconfman/asterisk_etc/manager.conf file into /etc/asterisk/manager.conf or change AMI credentials in '' manually. Don't forget to enable talker detection events in participant profile settings and reload Asterisk config.
Now you should init database and run the server:
cd astconfman
./ init
Now visit http://localhost:5000/ in your browser.
Default user/password is admin/admin. Don't forget to override it.
Go to instance folder and create there file with your local settings. See for possible options to override. Options in file are self-descriptive.
Asterisk must have CURL function compiled and loaded. Check it with
*CLI> core show function CURL
You must include files in astconfman/asterisk_etc folder from your Asterisk installation.
#include /path/to/astconfman/asterisk_etc/extensions.conf
to your /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and
#include /path/to/astconfman/asterisk_etc/confbridge.conf
to your /etc/asterisk/confbridge.conf.
Open extensions.conf with your text editor and set your settings in globals section.
Open /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf and be sure that
live_dangerously = no
While in the conference participants can use the following DTMF options:
- 1 - Toggle mute / unmute myself.
- 2 - Unmute request.
- 3 - Toggle mute all participants (admin profile only).
- 4 - Decrease listening volume.
- 5 - Reset listening volume.
- 6 - Increase listening volume.
- 7 - Decrease talking volume.
- 8 - Reset talking volume.
- 9 - Increase talking volume.
- 0 - Invite all / not yet connected participants (admin profile only).
include => localph
include => extph
exten => _XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
exten => _ХXX,2,Set(ret=${CURL(${CONFMAN_HOST}/asterisk/dial_status/${conf_number}/${participant_number}/${DIALSTATUS})})
exten => _XXXX.,1,Dial(${DIALOUT_TRUNK1}/${EXTEN},60)
exten => _XXXX.,2,Set(ret=${CURL(${CONFMAN_HOST}/asterisk/dial_status/${conf_number}/${participant_number}/${DIALSTATUS})})
(env)max@linux:~/astconfman/astconfman$ ./ init
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 7, in <module>
from app import app, db, migrate
File "/home/max/astconfman/astconfman/", line 60, in <module>
from views import asterisk
File "/home/max/astconfman/astconfman/", line 608, in <module>
File "/home/max/astconfman/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_admin/contrib/", line 193, in __init__
raise IOError('FileAdmin path "%s" does not exist or is not accessible' % base_path)
IOError: FileAdmin path "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/" does not exist or is not accessible
(env)max@linux:~/astconfman/astconfman$ ls -l /var/spool/
итого 16
drwxr-x--- 9 asterisk asterisk 4096 сент. 1 22:20 asterisk
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 сент. 1 22:09 cron
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 сент. 1 22:05 mail -> ../mail
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 апр. 11 2014 plymouth
drwx------ 2 syslog adm 4096 дек. 4 2013 rsyslog
To fix it add user running astwebconf to asterisk group.
Check if are running with same user as Asterisk and what env directory has read-write access for Asterisk user.