FRUFS stands for Feature Relevance based Unsupervised Feature Selection and is an unsupervised feature selection technique that uses supervised algorithms such as XGBoost to rank features based on their importance. The entire algorithm is explained in the following blog Here is a Kaggle notebook trying out FRUFS on a competition, replete with simulations using synthetic data as well.
pip install FRUFS
# The initialization of FRUFS takes in multiple parameters as input
model = FRUFS(model_r, model_c, k, n_jobs, verbose, categorical_features, random_state)
- model_r -
estimator object, default=DecisionTreeRegressor()
The model which is used to regress current continuous feature given all other features. - model_c -
estimator object, default=DecisionTreeClassifier()
The model which is used to classify current categorical feature given all other features. - k -
float/int, default=1.0
The number of features to select.float
means to considerround(total_features*k)
number of features. Values range from0.0-1.0
means to considerk
number of features. Values range from0-total_features
- n_jobs -
int, default=-1
The number of CPUs to use to do the computation.None
means 1 unless in a:obj:joblib.parallel_backend
means using all processors.
- verbose -
int, default=0
Controls the verbosity: the higher, more the messages. A value of 0 displays a nice progress bar. - categorical_features -
list of integers or strings
A list of indices denoting which features are categoricallist of integers
If input data is a numpy matrix then pass a list of integers that denote indices of categorical featureslist of strings
If input data is a pandas dataframe then pass a list of strings that denote names of categorical features
- random_state -
int or RandomState instance, default=None
Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.
# To fit FRUFS on provided dataset and find recommended features
- data - A pandas dataframe or a numpy matrix upon which feature selection is to be applied
(Passing pandas dataframe allows using correct column names. Numpy matrix will apply default column names)
# This function prunes the dataset to selected set of features
- data - A pandas dataframe or a numpy matrix which needs to be pruned
(Passing pandas dataframe allows using correct column names. Numpy matrix will apply default column names)
# To fit FRUFS on provided dataset and return pruned data
- data - A pandas dataframe or numpy matrix upon which feature selection is to be applied
(Passing pandas dataframe allows using correct column names. Numpy matrix will apply default column names)
# To plot XGBoost style feature importance
- top_x_feats - Default value
. Setting a value between 0 and the number of features will display only
those number of features in the bar plot. Not passing any value replicates default behaviour of displaying all features.
from FRUFS import FRUFS
If data is a pandas dataframe
# Import the algorithm.
from FRUFS import FRUFS
# Initialize the FRUFS object
model_frufs = FRUFS(model_r=LGBMRegressor(random_state=27), model_c=LGBMClassifier(random_state=27, class_weight="balanced"), categorical_features=categorical_features, k=13, n_jobs=-1, verbose=0, random_state=27)
# The fit_transform function is a wrapper for the fit and transform functions, individually.
# The fit function ranks the features and the transform function prunes the dataset to selected set of features
df_train_pruned = model_frufs.fit_transform(df_train)
df_test_pruned = model_frufs.transform(df_test)
# Get a plot of the feature importance scores
If data is a numpy matrix
# Import the algorithm.
from FRUFS import FRUFS
# Initialize the FRUFS object
model_frufs = FRUFS(model_r=LGBMRegressor(random_state=27), model_c=LGBMClassifier(random_state=27, class_weight="balanced"), categorical_features=categorical_features, k=13, n_jobs=-1, verbose=0, random_state=27)
# The fit_transform function is a wrapper for the fit and transform functions, individually.
# The fit function ranks the features and the transform function prunes the dataset to selected set of features
X_train_pruned = model_frufs.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_pruned = model_frufs.transform(X_test)
# Get a plot of the feature importance scores
- Try incorporating more features by increasing the value of k
- Pass strong, hyperparameter-optimized non-linear models
- Set n_jobs to -1
Dataset | # of samples | # of features | Task Type | Score using all features | Score using FRUFS | # of features selected | % of features selected | Tutorial |
Ionosphere | 351 | 34 | Supervised | 88.01 | 91.45 | 24 | 70.5% | tutorial here |
Adult | 45222 | 14 | Supervised | 62.16 | 62.65 | 13 | 92.8% | tutorial here |
MNIST | 60000 | 784 | Unsupervised | 50.48 | 53.70 | 329 | 42.0% | tutorial here |
Waveform | 5000 | 21 | Unsupervised | 38.20 | 39.67 | 15 | 72.0% | tutorial here |
Note: Here, for the first and second task, we use accuracy and f1 score, respectively while for both the fourth and fifth tasks, we use the NMI metric. In all cases, higher scores indicate better performance.
- Let me know
Drop me an email at if you want any particular feature