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New language ideas.

atennapel edited this page Oct 21, 2014 · 3 revisions


All operators have a fixed arity, precedence and associativity. Operators should partial apply and compose automatically if less arguments than their arity are given or if they are given partial applications or compositions themselves.

	x -> x + 1
1 +
	x -> 1 + x
1 + (* 3)
	x -> 1 + (x * 3)

Any operator prefixed with ~ should reverse it's arguments.

a - b
	a - b
a ~- b
	b - a

Any operator prefixed with a . should be turned in to a method call on it's first argument.

a .+ b
a .+
	x -> a.add(x)
a .~+ b

A . will turn it's caller in to a partial application

1 + .
	x -> 1 + x
f(a . c)
	x -> f(a, x, c)

Any operator prefixed (or suffixed?) with : should be turned in to an assignment.

a :+ b
	a += b
a :%% b
	a = (a % b == 0)
a :& b
	a = Math.min(a, b)


Any name prefixed with a @ should turn it's caller in a mapping function.

@a + 1
	map(x -> x + 1, a)
@a + @b
	flatzip((x y) -> x + y, a, b)
f(@a 1)
	map(x -> f(x, 1), a)
isPrime: x -> x = 2 || (x > 2 && sum(x %% [1..x]) = 2)
	...Prime checker...


Composition @[f g h]
	x -> f(g(h(x)))
Fork @{f g h}
	x -> g(f(x), h(x))
Fork of length 2 @@{f g h}
	(x y) -> g(f(x, y), h(x, y))


do [
	<- setTimeout(. 1000)
	<- setTimeout(. 1000)
	alert("2000ms later")

do [
	x <- ajaxRequest1
	y <- ajaxRequest2
	? {
		y > 0 do [
			a <- ajaxRequest3


Macros and user defined operators could be added, but only if they are scoped.

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