π I'm kotlin-addicted (last times) programmer and I like do some funny new things. And I'm ready to collaborate for some fun things.
- Kotlin
- Java
The most favorite is Kotlin - I think it as amazing thing to build clean-code beatiful-orginized projects.
- Figure-it game
- Kotlin telegram bot framework
- Meme generate bot - production at https://t.me/MemeGeneBot
- Meme generate bot manager - pruduction at https://t.me/MemeBuilderBot
β‘ Actually, I have some ideas/minds about what to do next, but these previous have too much issues to go next. Ok, I just leave it here
- Some test-build service, possible to move it as telegram-bot-based questionnaire
- Multiplayer web-based game where players control one dot and need to build some pictures together and win points
- Multiplayer bot-based game with player-creatied content and often player-to-player interactions
- https://my2i.ru (Russian)