Releases: astruyk/Ares
Releases · astruyk/Ares
V.1.8.2 - Hotfix for compositions
- Artillery - Add 'Artillery Fire Mission' module to fire artillery using map coordinates and multiple artillery pieces. (Author JonasJurczok)
- Util - Pass 'Unit under cursor' and location to 'Execute Script' modules.
- Save/Load - Remove deprecated Save/Load modules (using old non-SQF format)
- _NOTE - Ares now requires CBA_A3. Make sure it's running on any machine that has Ares loaded._
- Save/Load - Add module to export current mission objects to SQF script (including AI, Groups and markers).
- Util - Add module to execute custom code on the server, locally, or on all machines.
- General - Fixed an issue where custom modules that caused an error would leave a logic object around.
- Deprecated - 'Spawn Custom Mission Objects' was removed (use custom modules instead).
- Deprecated - New SQF saving will replace existing copy-paste functionality in 1.8.0.
- Arsenal - Added ability to put full (unfiltered) Arsenal on an object.
- Arsenal - Renamed the 'Add All...' option to 'Add Filtered...'
- Behaviours - Fixed issue where AI units that were garrisoned wouldn't turn to shoot (#179)
- Equipment - Added ability to remove optics from enemy weapons.
- General - Fixed an issue where rejoining a dedicated server would sometimes prevent proper Ares registration.
- General - Totally revamped adding custom modules. Better than ever. (See for details).
- Reinforcements - Armed technicals are no longer considered as transports (#172)
- Reinforcements - Fixed 'Least Used' RP's and LZ's not working (#167, #168)
- Util - Added 'Remove All Actions' module (can be used to remove Arsenal from objects).
- Util - Added module to change player sides during missions.
- Util - Added modules to enable/disable debug logs in RPT.
- Util - Replaced 'Go Invisible'/'Become Visible' action menu items with modules in the 'Util' section
- Fix a signing issue that prevented connection to servers running some other mods (see )
- Arsenal - Copying to clipboard (and pasting) now includes non-virtual items as well
- Arsenal - Fixes a bunch of issues where side-filtering wasn't applying to Vests, Weapons and Backpacks when using 'Add All...'
- Arsenal - Performance improvements when using 'Add All...'
- Behaviours - When choosing where to fire artillery you can now select a specific target by name
- General - Attempt to fix an issue when getting items under mouse when reconnecting to a server after running ares
- General - When in Zeus UI holding left CTRL and double-clicking on a unit will immediately take control of that unit.
- Reinforcements - When choosing LZ's and RP's you can now select specific ones by name
- Save/Load - Snap placed objects to the ground when using 'Paste Into New Location'
- Spawn - Add 'Spawn Smoke' module for spawning persistent smoke stacks. They can be attached to existing objects or placed in empty space.
- Teleport - Dropping the 'Teleporter' module on an object will now make that object a teleporter instead of creating a new one.
- Util - Added first-pass at a 'Change Weather' module.
- Added a bunch more premade base compositions from Vernei's prebuilt pastable bases ( ). Used with permission.
- Util - Added module to dump composition code to RPT file (aimed at making it easier for me to generate compositions)
- Compositions - Re-organized the Ares composition menus to be a little more clear
- Compositions - Fixed some placement issues with a few existing compositions
- Compositions - Added a bunch more compsitions. Some of which are:
- Wall sections - to make generating corners and long areas of walls a lot faster
- Composite Walls - Added two kinds of walls, one for urban areas with chain fences and sandbags, and one for a defensive line of bunkers.
- Minefields - Lines of mine markers, including variants with AT, AP and Mixed composition
- Field Repair Base - Added field repair structure w/ decomissioned hunter
- Roadblocks - Added three more kinds of roadblocks of varying size
- FOB Helipad - Added a helipad for improvised bases with landing lights and some sandbags