astrotarot-ca aka is an open-source website that offers virtual card games and a study board for card game and esoteric studies. has three main game boards:
- Ouija boards
- Tarot boards
- Oracle boards
Each of these boards have an amount of decks whhere the user selects one to play a game of fortune telling. is a website/web application for amateurs and masters of esoteric card games.
The study section contains a main virtual tabletop space and a deck selector, which once a deck is selected, presents the deck in 1-to-many card classes (categories or groups), and allows the user to drag the cards to the virtual tabletop and spread them as he wishes.
The study board can be a space of virtual esoterism where one can professionaly use the board for printscreen readings, comparative study and spread practices. All for free!
copyright © 2021 Seraf Dos Santos
MIT License