Coding to decode the cosmos.
Pulsars and FRBs, all in the radio.
National Centre for Radio Astrophysics
- Pune, Maharashtra, India
- https://astrogewgaw.com
- @astrogewgaw
scarab Public
SPOTLIGHT's Collection of Analytic machineRy for Arbitrary Bursts
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2024 -
arachne Public
Weave in fake FRBs into live GMRT data.
RollingDedispersion.jl Public
Rolling dedispersion, in Julia.
DirectDedispersion.jl Public
Direct dedispersion, in Julia.
SIGPROCFiles.jl Public
I/O for SIGPROC filterbank and time series files, in Julia.
PowerLawNoise.jl Public
Generate power law noise, in Julia.
PackedIntegers.jl Public
(Un)pack 1/2/4-bit integers from 8-bit integer data.
whoswho Public
A list of astrochemists from across the globe!
riptide Public
Forked from v-morello/riptidePulsar searching with the Fast Folding Algorithm (FFA)
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 23, 2023 -
logos Public
My open-source store for logos 🎨 !
epndb Public
Access the EPN's Database of Pulsar Profiles, from Python.
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