I've setup a file watcher that run ruff --fix
and ruff format
in a docker image. I've run just one of those commands to isolate the issue and have seen it happen when just ruff --fix
or ruff format
is running so it's happening with either command run separately
Here's an example of the error output and when I look at the file, several characters from the last few lines have been removed (i.e. the file was truncated):
error: Failed to parse Unexpected token 'exc'
Found 1 error (1 fixed, 0 remaining).
error: Failed to format source contains syntax errors: ParseError { error: UnrecognizedToken(Name { name: "exc" }, None), offset: 3254, source_path: "<filename>" }
Process finished with exit code 2
Here's the scripts that I use as the watcher (which I have setup in the same manner that black
#!/usr/bin/env sh
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || exit
if ! local/ --fix "$@"; then
exit 1
local/ format "$@"
exit $?
#!/usr/bin/env sh
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." || exit
docker run --rm \
-v "${PWD}":/usr/src/app:z,cached \
-w /usr/src/app \
ruff:0.1.4 \
/usr/local/bin/ruff "$@"
exit $?
On a related note, I know there's a PyCharm plugin but I like running it in a container, because then CI and every developer machine is automagically kept in sync
Here's my ruff.toml
line-length = 120
select = ["C", "I", "U", "W"]
ignore = ["E", "F", "C901", "W191"]
target-version = "py39"
combine-as-imports = true
# Like Black, use double quotes for strings.
quote-style = "double"
# Like Black, indent with spaces, rather than tabs.
indent-style = "space"
# Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending.
line-ending = "auto"