- using Arduino 1.8.12
- set target as NodeMCU 1.0 ESP-12E
- Upload Speed 115200
- CPU Freq. 80MHz
- Flash Size 4MB (FS:2MB, OTA:~1019KB)
- Debug port:disabled
- Debug level:None
- IwIP Variant: v2 Higher Bandwidth
- VTables: Flash
- Exceptions: Legacy
- Erase Flash: Only Sketch
- SSL Support: All SSL ciphers
- connect the micro-USB cable to the NodeMCU and the PC you run Arduino on
- with above settings, just press the upload button on the Arduino software
- in case of trouble, go to Arduino settings and enable verbose output for compile and upload, that usually helps
- supply the NodeMCU with 5V on the Vcc pin
- Have the temperature sensor DS18B20 connected to 3.3V and pin D5
- Have the relais (low = heating on) connected to pin D0
- always stay in the same room as the temperature controller
- do not leave the temperature controller alone
- always use heating elements that cannot burn
- be sure that they cannot heat up the environmnt around above what it can handle
- use the heater termostat to ensure a max. acceptable temperature cannot be exceeded
- place the temperature sensor at a place where you expect good represnetative temperature for the whole body you are heating
- always place the sensor in the same air compartement as the heating
- the copyright owners or github cannot take any responsibility for damages, even in the case where the software has a bug
- if you report a bug or a feature request, copy/paste following template into the github issue: ** observation: ** expected behaviour: ** difference behaviour: ** mitigation: ** proposed solution: <please propose how to solve the problem, point me to a pull request or branch> ** hardware description: <please provide relevant hardware description, at minimum arduino platform, sensor type, and a screenshot of the web interface when the problem appears>
- start the Arduino
- connect to the WIFI AP of the Arduino called "temp-ctl", find the password in the code, you may want to edit it (around line 239)
- open the web browser at and press the refresh button to refresh the screen
- there will be a 30 second delay before the Arduino switches the realy on, verify on the web i/f and with your ovens
- the oven will stop after 16 hours @ 60 ÂC, you can change that code, but be aware of memory consequences
- the temp courve drawing will stop after the chart is full
- when done, you can push the refresh button a last time on the web i/f, then edit the fields with free values you need for your documentation
- then print the page
- refreshing will show the example values again
- a power reset will reset the memory, you start anew
- you cannot change any parameters via the web interface