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🧩 Fragmentor

Solana Program to fragment NFTs into small NFTs, then do the opposite process and claim back the original NFT

😎 Features

  • Fragment or split an NFT into multiple NFTs, these NFTs can also be fragmented into multiples NFTs...
  • Built with Anchor and some Metaplex tools such as Solita and Amman.

A lot is still missing, but we will get there!

🎁 Demo

Note: You can try the frontend app build with NextJS by running pnpm dev:app from the root.

❇️ Deployment

Program is currently only deployed on devnet as FRAGFu59MRwy5KeEMnbzsUPa2JkwLVsaP7WbhF2r2Yh

🎴️ Deploy your own version

  • git clone this repo
  • Run pnpm i
  • Make sure you have solana-cli installed, keypair configured, and at least 4 SOL on devnet beforehand
  • Update path to your keypair in Anchor.toml that begins with wallet =
  • Run anchor build to build the programs
  • Update the program IDs:
    • Run solana-keygen new -o ./target/deploy/fragmentor-keypair.json to generate your own program Keypair.
    • Run solana-keygen pubkey ./target/deploy/fragmentor-keypair.json - insert the new pubkey in the following locations:
      • ./Anchor.toml
      • ./programs/fragmentor/src/
      • ./.solitarc.js
    • Run pnpm run solita
  • Run anchor build to build one more time
  • Run anchor deploy --provider.cluster devnet to deploy to devnet

Note that deploying your own version will cost you ~4 SOL.

📜 To-do

  • Write docs.
  • Backend to split an image into multiple images, representing fragments, graphically, of the original NFT image.
  • Improve tests.

MIT License