Some of my notable accomplishments are:
- Built mobile SDK integrated into 100+ apps
- Created an API with an install base that grew to over 50+ million iOS/Android devices
- Programmed the computer imaging and robotic subsystems for a microscope platform
- Developed data products that generated an average monthly recurring revenue of $53,000
- Designed and deployed a nationwide over-the-air ad verification system for the top 100 US markets
My other interests include surfing, photography and 3D printing. Recently, I've been playing around with OpenSCAD
and Stable Diffusion
Gaining Insight into 2022 Daily Flash videos using a Python Notebook - My data analysis using a Python Notebooks to gain insight into my 2022 Daily video
Storage Case Base Template A SCAD storage solution featured on Hackaday - I wanted to organize my drawer space and reuse my excess Harbor Freight/Stanley storage bins, so I created this SCAD model
Daily (inspired by 1 Second Everyday) scripted with Bash and FFmpeg - Daily is a video montage command-line bash tool inspired by the 1 Second Everyday app. It’s powered with FFmpeg
Validating Media Uploads with the Google Photos Java API client - Verito GP (Google Photos) is a validation tool to ensure that all the files in a specific folder successfully upload to your GP account
Securing Changeblog Images using git hooks - As I add more content to this site, I want to ensure the images are free of EXIF geolocation data. Why not automate this process with git hooks?
DIY Solder Fume Extractor built with a fan, filter and filament - I am increasingly working with electronic circuits. Here is how I built a DIY solder fume extractor with just a fan, filter and filament
Daily flashes are video montages heavily inspired by the 1 Second Everyday app. A command-line tool I wrote in bash and powered with FFmpeg created these videos. Read more about it in my blog post.