- This repo wraps PHP mailer into a class which makes it even easier to use for new developers.
- It as as simple as inctanciating an object and calling a method
require 'Mail.php';
$senderName = "SENDER_NAME";
$senderEmail = "SENDER_EMAIL";
$recieverEmail = "RECIEVER_EMAIL";
$subject = "MAIL_SUBJECT";
$mailer = new Mail($senderName,$senderEmail,$senderEmailPassword);
By deafult the SMTP host is of gmail (smtp.gmail.com) is used for senders email. If you want to use another eamil service pass in an additional parameter while inctanciating the object. Example :
$SMTP = "YOUR_EMAIL_SERVICE_PROVIDER_SMTP_HOST"; $mailer = new Mail($senderName,$senderEmail,$senderEmailPassword,$SMTP); $mailer->sendMail($recieverEmail,$subject,$body);
In senders email password if you are using your noraml google account password, it may not work so it is recomended to generate app specific password from you Google Account. Here the lonk from where you can genertae your app specific password provided by google and use it as Email Paassword while inctanciating an object.
In "Security" tab you will get the APP Passsword option.
By deafult the debudgging for PHPmailer is turned off, if you want to use debugging change to value of $mail->SMTPDebug to 1 in sendMail() method defined inside Mail class.