A habit tracker web app that allows users to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on their habits, such as adding new habits, viewing their existing habits, updating or editing habits, and deleting habits. The project is built using a tech stack consisting of ReactJS. For styling , CSS is used. Click here to try. Video link is here
ReactJS, CSS
- Clone this project
- Start by installing npm if you don't have it already.
- Navigate to Project Directory by : Using
cd habit-tracker
After reaching to the this preoject directory yo have to run this following command :
$ npm install
$ nodemon index.js or npm start
Habit Tracker
| .gitignore
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| favicon.ico
| index.html
| logo192.png
| logo512.png
| manifest.json
| robots.txt
| App.js
| index.js
| +---css
| | App.css
| | home.css
| | index.css
| |
| \---images
| bored.png
| logo.png