To get the application running:
# build the main app image
docker compose build omnyom
# create secret files
touch secrets/dev_database_secret.txt
touch secrets/test_database_secret.txt
# Put URI that can be used to connect to the db instance in respective secrets files
# For example, for the test_database_secret, you can use
# postgresql+psycopg2://devuser:dumbpass@pg:5432/test_omnyom
# set up the database
docker compose up -d pg
export POSTGRES_USER=devuser
docker compose exec pg psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -c "create database omnyom owner $POSTGRES_USER;"
docker compose exec pg psql -U $POSTGRES_USER -c "create database test_omnyom owner $POSTGRES_USER;"
docker compose run omnyom "flask db upgrade"
# start containers and tail logs
docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f
To get in a running container:
docker compose exec omnyom bash
To run tests in a running container:
docker compose exec omnyom env APP_SETTINGS="app.config.TestConfig" pytest
To run tests on a clean test db:
If you want to run any flask command, run it through the docker container
docker compose run omnyom 'flask do the magic'
# docker compose run omnyom 'flask db migrate'
- User scoping is skipped from the implementation. So all users are treated as a single user ('the user'). This also eliminates the need for user auth-related functionalities.
- UPDATE: Entry in the Feed is treated as a subscription to the feed by 'the user'.
- UPDATE: Removed user-specific entity relations as multi-tenancy is not implemented.
- has_many: Feed Items
- url
- created_at
Feed Item
- belongs_to: Feed
- external_id (string)
- title
- summary
- author
- published_at
- metadata (json)
- content (text)
- name
Feed Item Read
- belongs_to: Feed Item
- is_read (bool)