A Sensu plugin written in Python which checks the last recorded time in a local or remote NetCDF dataset against a threshold time.
The plugin requires the Python package sensu_plugin
and netCDF4
Set up the sensu checks to point at netcdf_time_monitor.py
Command line arguments for this module are
-d, --dataset
A required string argument with either a local file path to a netCDF file or a remote OPeNDAP dataset.
-w --warntime
A floating point number representing the number of hours before the present time is reported as the warn state. Defaults to 12 hours if left unspecified.
-c --crittime
A floating point number representing the number of hours before the present time is reported as the warn state. Defaults to 24 hours if left unspecified.
-v --variable
A string with the desired time variable name to check. Defaults to 'time' if left unspecified.
Example invocation
./netcdf_time_monitor.py -d 'http://data.oceansmap.com/thredds/dodsC/ndbc_agg/ygnn6/ygnn6.ncml' -w 12 -c 6 -v 'time'
Retrieves the aggregated THREDDS dataset from http://data.oceansmap.com/thredds/dodsC/ndbc_agg/ygnn6/ygnn6.ncml, sets the warn threshold to 12 hours, sets the critical threshold to 6 hours, and uses the variable named 'time' to compare against the current time.
Setting critical time less than or equal to warn time will make warning state unreachable.