Printable version with custom CSS
Create your resume in json on jsonresume
The official resume-cli to run the development server.
Go ahead and install it:
sudo npm install -g resume-cli
This is a theme for JSON Resume. It is available via npm:
npm install jsonresume-theme-stackoverflow
then change directory:
cd node_modules/jsonresume-theme-stackoverflow/
And simply run:
resume serve
You should now see this message:
Preview: http://localhost:4000
Press ctrl-c to stop
Profiles supported with brand colors:
github, stack overflow, linkedin, dribbble, twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram, soundcloud, wordpress, youtube, flickr, google plus, tumblr, foursquare.
To have a social icon close the social link profile (or username) it is enough to set a network
the name of the Social Network (es: 'Stack Overflow').
With stackoverflow theme it is possible to add:
to each 'work', 'publication' and 'volunteer' itemsummary
to each 'interests' and 'education' itemlocation
to each 'work', 'education' and 'volunteer' itembirth
to 'basics'googleAnalytics
to track your resume
example of the extra location
"location": {
"city": "Zürich",
"countryCode": "CH",
"region": "Switzerland"
example of the extra birth
"birth": {
"place": "New York",
"state": "USA",
"date": "1988"
Fork the project, add your feature (or fix your bug) and open a pull request OR
Open an issue if you find find or if you would like to have extra fields or changes
Available under the MIT license.