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Tags: aryairani/jerkson



Toggle v0.4.0's commit message
* Upgraded to Jackson 1.8.3.

* Fixed deserialization of empty JSON objects as `JValue` instances.
* Fixed deserialization of `Map[java.lang.Integer, A]` and
  `Map[java.lang.Long, A]` instances.
* Fixed deserialization of case classes in weird bytecode environments like
* Added support for case classes nested in objects.
* Allowed for deserializing `BigInt` and `BigDecimal` instances from anything
  those classes can parse as text.
* Added a cache for type manifests.


Toggle v0.3.2's commit message
* Added `[A](Reader)`.

* Fix `NullPointerException` when deserializing `Map` instances from weird JSON


Toggle v0.3.2-changelog-fix's commit message
Fixed the changelog.


Toggle v0.3.1's commit message
* Added support for deserializing `Map[Int, _]` and `Map[Long, _]` in…



Toggle v0.3.0's commit message
* Added a very comprehensive set of tests, refactored around support …

…for various

  types. (h/t Daniel Brown)
* Added support for `StringBuilder`, `Array[A]`, `immutable._`, `mutable._`,
  `collection._` classes, `AST` classes, and others.
* Fixed error messages when parsing empty JSON objects as case classes.
* Enabled caching of all serializers and deserializers.
* Switched to Maven for builds.
* Removed the deprecated `Parser#parseStreamOf`.


Toggle v0.2.2's commit message
* Upgraded to Jackson 1.7.7.

* Fixed bugs in parsing case classes with other specially-namespaced types.


Toggle v0.2.1's commit message
* Fixed bug in parsing case classes with `List[A]` members (and anyth…

…ing else

  which is typed in the `scala` package.


Toggle v0.2.0's commit message
* Now cross-built for Scala 2.9.0.

* Changed to parse the embedded Scala signature in case classes by using an
  embedded version of `scalap`. No longer depends on Paranamer.
* Serializing a case class with a `None` field now elides the entire field
  instead of serializing the `Option[A]` as `null`.
* Removed explicit flushes to output.


Toggle v0.1.8's commit message
* Upgraded to Jackson 1.7.6.

* Added selectors to `JValue` and friends.
* Extracted out the `Json` trait for extensibility.
* Added support for `Iterator` and `Set` instances.
* Fixed deserialization of empty `Map`s.


Toggle v0.1.7's commit message
Upgrade to Jackson 1.7.4.