We developed this API to assist vacationers with choosing between hotels when there are a multitude of factors to consider. The API will ask users to prioritize different destinations on their trip (restaurants, parks, architecture, museums, etc.) and will then use k-means clustering to find an ideal location to stay within the city. The user will then have the ability to see up to 3 hotels that are in the ideal location, but differ by price or class. The use case will be for vacationers who may be visiting a city for the first time, and want to maximize their time spent there and not deal with the hassle of travel websites and dozens of options.
To install this command line application please run the script below on a unix system. Make sure your system has python3 installed
chmod +x bin/install
To use this algorithm please type the following into your terminal
cd ./travelengine/user_pref/
python3 userfront.py
Later down the line, we plan to add the functionality to filter hotels by certain brands so that users can benefit from their past rewards.
Google Maps, opentripmap