Test With JUnit 5
To create a simple test
Create a class in the class
create a void method use the @Test
use the basics
assertEquals expected / actual
check is a object is not null assertNotNull
check is a object is null assertNull
for boolean values check is actual is false assertFalse
check is actual is true assertTrue
to Array check is one array is same than another assertArrayEquals( expected , actual ); this check all position same equals and the size is the same
the annotation @BeforeEach is execute before (antes) all test if you has 3 test the method is run 3 times
the annotation @AfterEach is execute after (depois) all test if you has 3 test the method is run 3 times
the methods with @BeforeEach and @AfterEach you can use a parameter TestInfo with a instance o TestInfo you can get the name of method
With the JUnit 4 use @Before and @After but the TestInfo not present TestInfo is only in JUnit 5
You can use the @BeforeAll to connect the database for exemple this method need to be static the method is call frist before than all tests
You can use the @AfterAll to close connect the database for exemple this method need to be static the method is call after before than all tests
In JUnit 5 the word public is not required in test's
the annotation @DisplayName show the message that you put in before run the test
@ParameterizedTest you can use multiple values with this annotation use with the @ValueSource sample @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings= { "ABCD" , "ABC", "AB" } ) void lengthMoreThanZeroParametrize(String string) { assertTrue( string.length() > 0 ); }
//Sample to give name to ParameterizedTest I can change the output of test with @ParameterizedTest( name = "the string {0} length is {1}") //change de out put {0} before ',' and {1} after ',
I can repeat many time with RepeatedTest @RepeatedTest( 3 )
I can try de performace with assertTimeout
Use a the aegs :
aTime, () -> { }
assertTimeout( Duration.ofSeconds(5), () -> {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
System.out.println( i );
I can disable a test @Disabled in JUnit 5 with 4 use @Ignored
If I can not run any Test in a class I use @Disable in the class when I use in classe any test not run
the annotation @Nested I can use to use a nested class when a run a test
JUnit 5 x JUnit 4 != @BeforeAll instead of @BeforeClass @AfterAll instead of @AfterClass @BeforeEach instead of @Before @AfterEach instead of @After @Disable instead of @Ignote @Tag instead of @Category assertThrows instead of expected attibute assertTimeout instead of timeout attibute
New in JUnit 5 @Nested for nested tests @RepeatedTest to execute tests mulpiple times
Best pratices for good unit test 1 Readable Look at the test and you know what is begin tested (I can read the class test and know what the test is do in 15 seconds)
2 Fast what happerns if unit tests take a long time to run? (think abaout what the advantage of unit test is lost 2 hours?)
3 Isolated Fails only when there is an issue whith code! (is not good if they star failing because of an external depedency not avaliable then the fail)
4 Run often What is the use having unit test which are note run frenquently? What happens if you do not commit code often?