The kernel of the code is based on hit3d. The source code has been then rearranged and modified.
Main Additions:
- Paraview files (fields and particles).
- Automatic compilation and setup (compile.sh).
- Paralelizzation strategy modified.
- Optimization and code organization.
- Terminal output.
- Organization of the results folder.
- Compile.sh (automatic setup of input.f90 file).
Main deletions:
- LES part removed.
Future developments:
- Allen-Cahn equation for phase-field modeling.
- GPU-ready version.
- MAC OS X (Intel)
- UNIX (ubuntu 18.04)
- Particles tracking (input, output files, remove cint? only trilinear?)
- A) Setup the input.f90 file.
- B) execute ./compile.sh
Four (three) possible strategies depending on the type of flow considered: single-phase flow or particles-laden flow.
- Single-phase flow:
- Split=0 (no MPI communicator splitting): all task are solving the Eulerian fields and doing the stats (suggested strategy)
- Split=1 (MPI communicator splitting): 2/3 of tasks solve the Eulerian fields and 1/3 do the stats.
- Particles-laden flow:
- Split=0 (no MPI communicator splitting): not possible at the moment.
- Split=1 (MPI communicator splitting): 1/2 of tasks solve the Eulerian fields and 1/4 do the stats and 1/4 track the particles.
Files containing the Eulerian fields (u_***,v_****,w_****,sc_***, etc.) and the particle positions (p_***) are stored in set_run/results
Two possible cases: single-phase and particles-laden flow.
- Single-phase flow:
- Go to set_run/results/paraview_fields and run go.sh, paraview files are generated in the output folder.
- Particles-laden flow:
- Go to set_run/results/paraview_fields and run go.sh, paraview files are generated in the output folder.
- Go to set_run/results/paraview_particles and run go.sh, paraview files are generated in the output folder.
- [1] S.G. Chumakov, "A priori study of subgrid-scale flux of a passive scalar in turbulence", Phys. Rev. E, 78 15563.
- [2] S.G. Chumakov, "Scaling properties of subgrid-scale energy dissipation", Phys. Fluids, 19 058104.
- [3] L. Machiels, "Predictability of Small-Scale Motion in Isotropic Fluid Turbulence", Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3411.
- [4] J. Jimenez, A.A. Wray, P.G. Saffman and R.S. Rogallo, "The structure of intense vorticity in isotropic turbulence", J. Fluid Mech., 255, 65-90.