exploring custom view functionalities.Here is a simple app through which i was learning how to draw with canvas and paint. A paint object describes how to draw whereas the canvas is where to draw, just a piece of paper.
Here i have implemented some functionalities like:
Drawing a serie of custom circles with spacing between them. the has the ability to fit into any screen resolution.Thank to onMeasure method where i used the availabe dimension provided by the sytem to draw on.
Handling touch event. when a user tap on paticular circle shape , it will automatically fill in the shape if this one was previously empty and empty if if was filled in.
Using style able resource to easily handle some functionalites such as color and dimensions where i had to deal with the conversion from independant pixel and physical pixel because the custom view is more likely to recognise physical pixel which displays differently across different devices.
Allowing the option of type shape to display: stars or circles