This is a Zotonic module which hooks into media files uploads and augments any uploaded audio media files with info from the echonest API.
After the upload of any audio media file, it calls the Echonest API to
identiy the uploaded MP3 file. After identification, it will store the
found metadata in the rsc
record of the audio file, ready for use in
Zotonic templates.
"analyzer_version": "3.01a",
"artist": "How to Destroy Angels",
"audio_md5": "97507e1eeda3e62abeabcc8dd51e6bd6",
"audio_summary": {
"analysis_url": "",
"danceability": 0.59608747988903843,
"duration": 240.27383,
"energy": 0.74113818413872323,
"key": 2,
"loudness": -6.0359999999999996,
"mode": 1,
"tempo": 124.033,
"time_signature": 4
"bitrate": 320,
"id": "TRGOVKX128F7FA5920",
"md5": "cd9276287838f11f2d7f39cd10391195",
"release": "How to Destroy Angels",
"samplerate": 44100,
"status": "complete",
"title": "Fur Lined"
The config key mod_audio_echonest.api_key
needs to contain a valid Echonest API key, which can be obtained from this URL:
- It only works for MP3 files currently.