Hi Xiaojie,
Thank you for making the very useful dynast pipeline. We use it a lot in our analysis. One issue I have running into is that dynast count is very slow. I am using dynast v1.01
and for a standard deep sequencing run (NextSeq, Novaseq, etc.) a library will take 4-5 days (96+ hours) to complete. I am wondering if it is somehow related to not using the number of threads specified (I specify -t 8-16
). When I check my running processes using ps -u
, I sometimes see that there is only 1 process running for dynast count
when there were the number t
specified for dynast consensus
, which runs much faster (<8 hours).
Here is a standard workflow that I use:
dynast align -i $star_index_directory -o $align_directory -x 10xv3 $fastq_seq_file $fastq_umi_file -w $whitelist --STAR-overrides '--soloFeatures Gene GeneFull --limitBAMsortRAM 60000000000'
dynast consensus -t 16 -g $gtf_file --barcode-tag CB --umi-tag UB -o consensus Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
dynast count -t 16 -g $gtf_file --barcode-tag CB --umi-tag UB -o count_with_consensus --barcodes Solo.out/GeneFull/raw/barcodes.tsv --conversion TC consensus/consensus.bam
Thanks for your help!
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