I provide BASIS API - open-source, fully functional, reliable and ready for use REST API service for sending and receving Whatsapp messages based on Baileys. The repository contains sources of Baileys library. Master branch and npm packages are always stable and consistenst. There is also community version WhiskeySockets/Baileys
❗ As we all know famous @adiwajshing closed the original Baileys library since he received a cease & desist from WhatsApp. I fully respect his desicion but since library is under GPL-3 we have freedom to share and change the library to suit our needs. The fork is used in real project BASIS API so i'm being involved and fully interested in it's future |
📝 | BASIS API goes open-source. Source codes currently are preparing for publishing. Follow us on github to know more! |
git remote add upstream https://github.com/WhiskeySockets/Baileys.git
git pull upstream master
git push origin master