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🙏 Archive logs garbage collection
type/bug solution/workaroundThere's a workaround, might not be great, but exists area/artifactsS3/GCP/OSS/Git/HDFS etc P3Low priority area/archive-logsArchive Logs feature solution/supersededThis PR or issue has been superseded by another one (slightly different from a duplicate) area/gcGarbage collection, such as TTLs, retentionPolicy, delays, and more -
🙏 resource
patch error about using both-f
There's a workaround, might not be great, but exists area/templates/resource P2Important. All bugs with >=3 thumbs up that aren’t P0 or P1, plus: Any other bugs deemed important solution/duplicateThis issue or PR is a duplicate of an existing one type/supportUser support issue - likely not a bug -
🙏 Setting executor (wait) container resources in the WorkflowTemplate is counterintuitive/undocumented
solution/workaroundThere's a workaround, might not be great, but exists area/executor area/workflow-templates -
🙏 CLI can't be verified with Cosign v2
type/securitySecurity related solution/workaroundThere's a workaround, might not be great, but exists type/dependenciesPRs and issues specific to updating dependencies github_actionsPull requests that update Github_actions dependencies area/buildBuild or GithubAction/CI issues area/upstreamThis is an issue with an upstream dependency, not Argo itself -
🙏 Unable to login to Argo UI embedded inside python flask application via iframe. How to fix?
solution/workaroundThere's a workaround, might not be great, but exists area/sso-rbac area/server type/supportUser support issue - likely not a bug -
🙏 Linter failing on TemplateRef for WorkflowTemplate
type/bug solution/workaroundThere's a workaround, might not be great, but exists area/cliThe `argo` CLI P1High priority. All bugs with >=5 thumbs up that aren’t P0, plus: Any other bugs deemed high priority solution/supersededThis PR or issue has been superseded by another one (slightly different from a duplicate)