Dynex, please add PalSAT (Parallel Simple Portfolio Version) results to the benchmarks list. YalSAT (Sequential Standalone Version) is single threaded only and it skews the results in favor of Dynex.
Dynex SAT benchmarks cherry picking data for YalSAT
Watch video on YouTube: Dynex SAT solver vs. YalSAT benchmark
YalSAT on Dynex example transformed_barthel_n_100000_r_8.000_p0_0.080_instance_001.cnf
From at least March 2014 through February 2015, Daniel Mattes, the founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Jumio, Inc., a private Palo Alto, California based mobile payments company, defrauded investors by providing them with materially misstated financial statements that purported to show that Jumio had earned significantly more revenue and profits that it actually did. SEC vs Daniel Mattes