This is just an example comment/sign-up form, using PHP, jQuery and HTML. We're using the RedBean ORM for maximum efficiency (it's pretty neat for quick dev work).
PHP 5.3+ MySQL of some description An SMTP server
In MySQL...
create database pollenizer_test;
grant all on pollenizer_test.* to 'pollenizer_test'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
You'll then need to copy config.php.default to config.php, and edit that file to enter correct values for your environment.
That should be all you need.
Why RedBean?
RedBean is great for rapid prototyping of PHP projects. You don't even have to create a db schema - it'll create one on the fly. Of course this is a double-edged sword and you'd be mad to keep developing like that forever, but for short spikes it'll do.
Why SwiftMail?
Because using low-level SMTP functions is madness. SwiftMail gives us all sorts of nice sanity checking and error handling out of the box (not that I'm using it all).
Why no unit tests!?
Normally I would, believe me, but for a project this small - it isn't even rightly MVC - it seemed like massive scary overkill. IMO, part of knowing rules is knowing when to break them.