In this project we have build an complete ecommerce platform using event driven architecture as internal communication built using Kafka, Debezium, AWS, Kubernetes and Terraform.
You can use Docker and localstack to start the apps locally. Try to run the following cmds.
- Run nginx to be used as reverse proxy and entry point for client:
nginx -s stop
You can find the config at /backend/services/reverse-proxy.conf
- Navigate from root path to services folder:
cd backend/services/
and then run the cmd:
docker-compose up --build
- Navigate from root path to devops folder:
cd devops/terraform/local
and run the following cmd to start localstack, which will setup AWS cognito, AWS Lambdas and AWS API GW locally.
tflocal init
tflocal apply
Then use the terraform output variables to setup the client + ADDRESS_VALIDATION_URL.
To get the kubeconfig for the cluster run the following command after applying terraform
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region region-code --name cluster-name
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