A library that provides building blocks to customize UNets, in PyTorch.
pip install a-unet
A convolutional only UNet generic to any dimension, using A-UNet blocks.
from typing import List
from a_unet import DownsampleT, Repeat, ResnetBlockT, Skip, UpsampleT
from torch import nn
def UNet(
dim: int,
in_channels: int,
channels: List[int],
factors: List[int],
blocks: List[int],
) -> nn.Module:
# Check lengths
n_layers = len(channels)
assert n_layers == len(factors) and n_layers == len(blocks), "lengths must match"
# Define convolutional blocks types with provided dimensions
Downsample = DownsampleT(dim=dim)
Upsample = UpsampleT(dim=dim)
# Resnet stack
def Stack(channels: int, n_blocks: int) -> nn.Module:
ResnetBlock = ResnetBlockT(dim=dim, in_channels=channels, out_channels=channels)
resnet_stack = Repeat(ResnetBlock, times=n_blocks)
return resnet_stack
# Build UNet recursively
def build(i: int) -> nn.Module:
if i == n_layers:
return nn.Identity()
n_channels = channels[i - 1] if i > 0 else in_channels
factor = factors[i]
return Skip(
Downsample(factor=factor, in_channels=n_channels, out_channels=channels[i]),
Stack(channels=channels[i], n_blocks=blocks[i]),
build(i + 1),
Stack(channels=channels[i], n_blocks=blocks[i]),
Upsample(factor=factor, in_channels=channels[i], out_channels=n_channels),
return build(0)
unet = UNet(dim=2, in_channels=8, channels=[256, 512], factors=[2, 2], blocks=[2, 2])
x = torch.randn(1, 8, 16, 16)
y = unet(x) # [1, 8, 16, 16]