This is learning project about:
- sass
- Bourbon
- gruntjs
- gulpjs
- nodejs
- npm
- Bower
- Susy(grid-layout engine for Sass)
- normalize.css
- CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation
- Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet
- Makes styles easier to organize and maintain
- Lets you separate files without reducing performance
- Helps you avoid CSS bloat by writing DRY (don't repeat yourself) code
- Preprocessor
- Variables, Nesting, Math, Mixins, Functions
- Conditional logic with control directives
- Sass has two syntax and file extension
- .sass : Indented CSS << syntax has no code block brackets and semi-colon, and has own syntax highlight.
- .scss : Sassy CSS << syntax like regular css and more approachable syntax.
- Bourbon is a small library that runs on top of sass.
- Sub plugins for specific use:
- Neat
- Bitters
- Refills
- Preprocessing or compiling:
sass --watch input.scss output.css sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets
- Task Runner tools for auto preprocessing to CSS style:
- paid:
- paid:
- free:
- free and suitable:
- alternative to gruntjs:
|- sassy-codearx
|- assets
|- js
|- scripts.js
|- scss
|- styles.scss
|- css
|- js
|- index.html
- dependencies
- devDependencies
- grunt
npm install grunt --save-dev
- grunt-contrib-watch
- grunt-sass
- load-grunt-tasks
- grunt
- Bower is very similar to npm but it is managed only frontend package. But sometimes both are shared same packages.
npm install -g bower
- bower configuration file: bower.json and created by: bower init
- dependencies
- devDependencies
- bourbon
bower install bourbon --save-dev
- susy (grid-layout engine for Sass)
- normalize.css
- bourbon
- Grunt is javascript task runner or task manager and is the key to project automation.
- Task like to do such as compiling, minification, code linting and so on.
- The downside of the grunt is that the lot of inital setup needs to fullfil the automation.
- Grunt cli command line tools:
npm install -g grunt-cli
- Grunt needs Gruntfile.js file and is used to configure or define tasks and load Grunt plugins.
- The Gruntfile is comprised of the following parts:
- The "wrapper" function
- Project and task configuration
- Loading Grunt plugins and tasks
- Custom tasks
- All tasks are loaded by 'load-grunt-tasks':
- Configure the 'grunt-sass' inside grunt initConfig module.
- We can choose whether to use 'Dart Sass' or 'Node Sass' by passing the 'grunt-sass' module to the implementation option. One implementation or the other must be passed.
- Compile command:
grunt sass
- 'grunt-contrib-watch' will watch and run automated task whenever we making changes in folders or files which are defined in configuration.
- Compile command:
grunt watch
- 'jQuery' is for using JavaScript in our project.
- Install command as dependencies:
npm install jquery --save
- 'grunt-contrib-uglify' is for using minify the JavaScript into a single file.
- Install command as devDependencies:
npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
- 'grunt-contrib-uglify' must be configured inside gruntfile.js
- Compile command:
grunt uglify
- Images are goes to image folder
- backstretch is a jQuery plugin that let you dynamically resize a background photo.
- Font Awesome Download
- Font Awesome free
- Font Awesome Angular
- Font Awesome React
- Font Awesome Vue
- Font Awesome Ember
- Font Awesome Sass
- Font Awesome Less
- Organized our code into separate partial files and then compile it into single CSS file.
- Naming structure for sass partial is
. Example:_header.scss
- Partial files should be imported by
@import {filePath}
statement before used them inside main file. - Ordering of importing partial files are very important. Dependency files should be imported first.
- Variables are very useful for sass project because we can use them every place and assign or change the value of each varible in one place.
- Make a color palette from: Coolors
- Nesting styles are very petty and powerful in sass programming.
- Greate article about Sass Ampersand in css-tricks website
- We can font awesome by two way:
- Embedded
tag with font awesome class - Using css class with Unicode
- Embedded
- Note: Accurate Font Family name should be used.
- Markup such as button, input textbox, textarea, typography etc are styled by using Bourbon mixins with less code writing.
- For Button: Bourbon Button Mixins
- For input box: Bourbon Inputbox Mixins
- For typography: Bourbon Modular Scale Mixins
- For scale up and down images: Bourbon Size Mixins
- Important note that all CSS grid hack system controls will be taken by CSS Grid Layout. Therefore, we should move on learning about CSS Grid Layout.
- Susy 3 is a toolkit for creating responsive layouts.
- The main benefit of using Susy 3 is that its not need to create extra markup but other frameworks such as bootstrap has to be needed extra markup in order to achieve the responsive layout.
- Susy 2 Shorthand Syntax for understanding shorthand syntax.
- Susy 3 Shorthand Syntax
- Susy 3 Spread (spread on containers & spread on spans) for understanding Spread.
- Susy needs little bit setup
$susy: ( 'columns': susy-repeat(12), // required in 'grid-template-columns' 'gutters': 0.1667 // using for 'grid-column-gap' );
- Box Model
- Reset global box size base on CSS Trick article.
But susy 3 strongly recommended that box model reset should like
html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; }
* { box-sizing: border-box; }
- And wrap class width would be 70%
.wrap { max-width: 70%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; &::after { // this is nested sass content: " "; clear: both; display: block; } }
- Column width calculated by Susy function
- Make CSS custom properties or variables
- Mobile-First is better approach.
- Susy 2 has Breakpoint mixin and that mixin helps to create media query for you.
- Susy 3 does not have any mixins, so we have to define one by own from Susy 3 Media Queries & Grid Settings
- Susy 3 shared some concept of mixin:
// Idea - 1 $medium: ( 'columns': susy-repeat(8), 'gutters': 1em, ); // any code out here uses the global $susy settings… @media (min-width: 30em) { @include susy-use($medium) { // any code in this block will use the $medium settings… } } @mixin susy-use( $config ) { // parse and normalize any shorthand arguments $config: susy-compile($config); // record the global settings - // and update the global variable with our new settings $global: $susy; $susy: map-merge($susy, $config) !global; // any content inside this mixin // will use the local settings @content; // return the global variable to its initial value $susy: $global !global; }
//Idea -2 // it is safe to add non-Susy data to Susy maps $medium: ( 'min-width': 30em, 'columns': susy-repeat(8), 'gutters': 1em, ); // any code out here uses the global $susy settings… @include susy-at($medium) { // this block establishes a new breakpoint, // and any code in this block will use the $medium settings… } @mixin susy-at( $config ) { // parse and normalize any shorthand arguments $config: susy-compile($config); // build min-and-max queries $min: map-get($config, 'min-width'); $min: if($min, '(min-width: #{$min})', null); $max: map-get($config, 'max-width'); $max: if($max, '(max-width: #{$max})', null); // combine them if we need both $and: if($min and $max, '#{$min} and #{$max}', null); // or fall back to the value we need… $query: $and or $min or $max; // apply the results… @media #{$query} { @include susy-use($config) { @content; } } }
- To push content 3 column from left to right
margin-left: span(3 wide);
- To pull content 1 column from right to left
margin-left: 0 - span(1 wide);
- To pad content 1 column from left to right
padding: 0 span(1 wide);
- Note: to align the content need a
span spread.
Single license MIT