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Releases: aquachain/aquacppminer

aquacppminer 1.3.1

22 Apr 23:30
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Fee was getting in the way of testing


20e228eada8e202da1b281980427aeb6b55ed3563c4e4663ea331a27d9de9f70  aquacppminer_v1.3.1_linux64.tar.gz

0d9f7684be915084f052f47f48adced0e6a2a7020ef05aac2523fe24dc3e5c44  aquacppminer_linux_avx2.gz
3d97313e50b67947f6444d58667b9280273f66f4789918477b684167f9401069  aquacppminer_linux_avx.gz
de14fd932355f8bbb6f439e5389584bcf6dee7d5b402b637c089fc2a2c65ca9f  aquacppminer_linux.gz

Example solo mining and testnet mining commands:

Open aquachain daemon with -rpc flag, such as aquachain -rpc -testnet (public testnet) or aquachain -rpc -testnet2 (private faster testnet)

Mainnet Pool

aquacppminer -F<address-to-mine-to>

Solo Mine

aquacppminer -F http://localhost:8543

Block Version 2 (verbose)
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,1,1 -t 1 --submit

Testnet Block Version 3
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,16,1 -t 1 --submit

Testnet Block Version 4
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,32,1 -t 1 --submit

All credit for this miner goes to cryptogone (

aquacppminer 1.3_nofee

22 Apr 20:07
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Fee was getting in the way of testing


Note: this version has a minor bug! see latest release:

33c3d4fe8c84b39f9db843e36b643b85058a01e832448d1e3f4543e8c2fbd2a7  aquacppminer_v1.3_linux64.tar.gz

Example solo mining and testnet mining commands:

Open aquachain daemon with -rpc flag, such as aquachain -rpc -testnet (public testnet) or aquachain -rpc -testnet2 (private faster testnet)

Block Version 2
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,1,1 -t 1 --submit

Testnet Block Version 3
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,16,1 -t 1 --submit

Testnet Block Version 4
aquacppminer --solo -F http://localhost:8543 --argon 1,32,1 -t 1 --submit

All credit for this miner goes to cryptogone (


03 Aug 13:03
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294e1d5f9e9f7efba2a18bda14c7b6d202b8b1d6ee7214e6ec139bf55a0d4976  aquacppminer_v1.1-ae_linux64.tar.gz

All credit for the creation of this miner goes to @cryptogone

Original source:

Please consider donating to the original author of this miner, and contribute to keep development going.