Is there an existing issue for this?
- I have searched the existing issues
Currently on generate CRUD feature user doesn’t get an option to select the particular columns which they need to include on the CRUD page, this needs to be added.
Why should this be worked on?
Due to the constraint of not having control for columns selection, a user needs to manually change the CRUD app (All widgets, All queries) to support the columns user needed to be present.
User on Discord
I keep running into this issue. For a crud builder to be truly efficient,
I should not have to manually build the CRUD functionality every time.
It is way faster for the CRUD wizard to generate fields/queries for all columns in the table,
and then I manually delete/remove what I don't need Versus the wizard creating a few token fields,
and then me having to spend a lot of time creating the queries in something like Datagrip (because it is fast),
and then copying those into Appsmith.
Can we have the option to delete what we don't need from the wizard, instead of add in what it doesn't generate? That would be a great start.
Then for added spice, give us the option to specify in the wizard, which fields we want to include in each of the CRUD queries.
Link -
Another user who faces the same problem -
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