Intended outcome:
Query pollInterval should refresh data every x ms.
Actual outcome:
Every other interval is skipped due to a bug in the polling logic.
How to reproduce the issue:
pollInterval is broken as demonstrated by the example above (open up your network console). A 5 second pollInterval is only polling every 10 seconds due to the way it is implemented.
Because lastPollTime is updated asynchronously after the query completes while the setTimeout is queued up immediately, lastPollTime will always be now() - (timeLimitMs + fetchDuration)
which will never be <= (now - timeLimitMs)
on the subsequent timeout. It will always skip the immediately following timeout execution and only pass the condition on the next one.
For a concrete example, imagine pollInterval = 5s, a query takes 1s to execute, and now = 0. We execute the query, queue up a timeout execution 5s from now (5s), and then the query comes back and we update lastPollTime (1s). So on timeout execution (now - lastPollTime) >= interval
is (5 - 1) >= 5
which is false and we have to wait for another timeout execution before anything will happen.
Finally, is the batched polling functionality documented anywhere? I feel like this needs to be documented and also have an option to opt out. If I have 2 queries on the page with separate intervals of 9s and 10s, it will take 18s (!) for the 10s poll interval to actually execute. This does not seem like a good default behavior and was completely unexpected when I was working with the client.